The weekend's Á la carte menu

Fridays & Saturdays


Waldorf salad on toast, served with grapes & roasted walnuts

Artichoke soup with crab mousseline, seared trout roe & crispy leeks

Juniper-engraved venison, served with lingonberries, balsamic & Västerbotten cheese

Hot dishes:

Mushroom croquette with roasted carrot crème, browned soya butter & grilled capercaillie

Garlic baked cod with basil-mixed white wine sauce & roasted parsley roots

Grilled guinea fowl breast fillet with mushroom croquette, roasted carrot cream & citrus cloud

Dessert & cheese

Herrgården's 3 types of cheese with fig marmalade & fröknecke

Lemon fromage with yoghurt meringue, licorice curd & raw raspberries

White chocolate cheesecake with mango, passion fruit & lime


We reserve the right to make any changes to the menu

This menu is for weekend guests. Conference guests and larger groups are referred to the booking department for a set menu.


Three-course dinner: SEK 569

Two-course dinner: SEK 449

Hot dish: SEK 285